Deductible Assistance
Do I have to pay a deductible?
If you have comprehensive insurance coverage on the vehicle, your vehicle has protection against the elements. In other words, anything that Mother Nature decides to throw at you – be it wind, hail, or flood – the damage that is caused to your vehicle is covered under your policy.
The only financial obligation you have is to pay is a deductible. The deductible is paid to the paintless dent repair shop that is going to be repairing your vehicle. After this amount is paid, the remaining balance for the repairs is covered by them.
We’ve got you covered.
A $500 dollar deductible might not seem like a huge investment when signing the insurance paperwork but when something actually happens, $500 is a price tag most people aren’t always prepared to spend. The Hail Shop USA will cover up to $500 of your deductible when you get your hail damage repaired with us.
* Certain restrictions apply. Learn more.